Dennis and Carol Kutzner, who served the CMI Fellowship (newly branded cmiGLOBAL) from 1982 until 2012, and are now being given the unique opportunity to lead Global Church Connection. Through GCC they will be able to continue offering everyone the church ministries they have performed for nearly thirty years. Here’s what the new cmiGLOBAL site says about GCC: Dennis Kutzner has been engaged in helping to establish and strengthen ministers and churches in practical matters for over 30 years. His organization is called Global Church Connection. From counsel about church planting, to advice about adequate legal church structures, to human resources, to liability issues, to addressing serious church conflicts, Dennis and his team have proven to be an amazing resource to cmiGLOBAL ministers. His organization can help you determine if your church/ministry is on target with its mission and message. Rev. Kutzner is certified in Risk Management through Christian Ministry Resources and Cambridge University of England.
GROWING HEALTHY CHURCHES – From Fort Wayne the GCC team will be available to assist local churches in structural, organizational, administrative, leadership, and risk management matters. The tireless goal of GCC will be to actively help in growing healthy churches, worldwide!
501 (c) (3) MATTERS – GCC is able to assist churches seeking a group exemption covering in 501 (c) (3) matters. Contact the GCC office to discover more concerning this important issue. GCC is all about assisting churches and takes the initiative “help churches,” to a far-reaching height in order to better serve church leaders in growing healthy churches!
NEW MODELS OF DOING CHURCH – It is a core value of GCC that the local church is the best platform from which to disciple nations (Matthew 28:19, 20). Planting new churches that are healthy and strengthening existing churches to plant new churches in turn is a divine plan for these last days. Global Church Connection will work hand-in-hand with church leaders to value new models of church planting and growth and seek to discover the Lord’s will in these last days for His church, globally.
IT IS THE PURPOSE OF GCC to provide consultation and resources to churches worldwide in areas of church planting, internal activity, outreach, governing, structure, leadership development, organization, administration, and risk management. We can also guide churches through transitional times allowing them to grow, remain healthy, and reproduce.
BOARD AND ADVISORS – GCC has a board of responsible ministers, Steve Ardhuerumly, Ralph Diehl, Adam Diehl, Larry Goodwin, and Mike Peters to work closely with Dennis and Carol. Along with them Jim Moore, Alex Moore, Paul C. Paino, Lonnie Shields, and Bill Steere serve as advisors to the board.
KEEPING YOU POSTED – I promise you will hear regularly from me as to the progress of GCC. The site is live! Watch your e-mail for notifications. Global Church Connection exists to be a source and resource of church helps that will be useful in making churches around the globe healthier in reaching and discipling lost people!